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The illumiNova Fixed Mount LED Stroboscopic Inspection Systems are designed for continuous use in high-speed process applications requiring crisp, clear, stop motion quality inspection. They are available in lengths from 6 inches to 8 feet. NIST Traceable Certificate included.

2-Year Warranty!

illumiNova® Fixed Mount LED Stroboscope

PN: 6255-009

This is a build-to-order product.

Please choose the options below to configure the illumiNova for your application needs. Note that some options are not standard and in choosing, there will be an increase in the unit’s price and possible increase in lead time.


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  • Super bright LEDs with uniform white light output
  • Continuous AC operation
  • TTL compatible input/output jacks
  • Housing is compatible with 80/20 mounting systems
  • Available in lengths from 6 inches to 8 feet
  • Powerful and intuitive integrated controller
  • Choice of three lens types to best suit your application
  • Includes NIST Traceable Certificate

Advanced Features

  • Digital input/output
    illumiNova includes digital input and output jacks. Have a machine that provides a synchronizing pulse? Simply connect your signal to the input jack of the illlumiNova™ and the flash will be synchronized with your equipment. If you need to cover a large or irregular area with light, multiple illumiNovas can be connected in series.
  • Phase/Time Delay
    Use the phase or time delay features to adjust or “position” the virtually stopped image to suit your needs.
  • Memory
    illumiNova has 10 memory presets allowing you to quickly change from one process speed to the next
  • Adjustable intensity levels
    Three adjustable light intensity levels give you complete control over the amount of illumination on your process. Low light settings can be used for highly reflective surfaces while high light settings may be used for darker or high contrast materials.

Lens Options
illumiNova is available with 3 different lens options. Select the illumination area that best suits your application.

Typical Uses

  • Diagnose web alignment issues and warp registrations with repeat patterns
  • Determine the speed of rotating equipment using a strobe with a built-in tachometer and on-screen display of PRM
  • Slow a cycle process down by placing them in virtual slow motion for forward or reverse action sequences
  • Print quality inspection
  • Textile processing inspection
  • Camera Vision System lighting

Benefits of LED

  • Energy-efficient and long-lasting
  • Extremely bright, uniform light output
  • Completely silent
  • Cool operation
  • No lamp replacements
  • Extremely high flash rates (up to 999,999 FPM)

Detailed Description

The illumiNova® Fixed Mount LED Stroboscopic Inspection Systems are designed for continuous use in high-speed applications requiring crisp, clear, stop motion quality inspection. The extraordinarily bright LEDs provide an ultra uniform white spectrum light. Available in lengths from 6 inches to 8 feet and with 3 different lens options ensures light coverage for any job. The powerful onboard intuitive digital controller allows the user to quickly set flash rates, flash duration, brightness levels, and many other advanced features. Flash rates can also be triggered remotely using machine-mounted sensors connected directly to illumiNova’s digital input or use the optional remote controller to extend the operating distance up to 100 feet.

Monarch Instrument has been manufacturing the world’s most popular portable stroboscopes for over 30 years. We know a thing or two about stop motion analysis. Let us customize an illumiNova Fixed Mount Strobe System to meet your application’s specific requirements.

The illumiNova logo and name are protected under USPTO registrations:
Trademark Serial Number 88200680 and Trademark Serial Number 88200556



  • Super bright LEDs with uniform white light output
  • Continuous AC operation
  • TTL compatible input/output jacks
  • Housing is compatible with 80/20 mounting systems
  • Available in lengths from 6 inches to 8 feet
  • Powerful and intuitive integrated controller
  • Choice of three lens types to best suit your application
  • Includes NIST Traceable Certificate

Advanced Features

  • Digital input/output
    illumiNova includes digital input and output jacks. Have a machine that provides a synchronizing pulse? Simply connect your signal to the input jack of the illlumiNova™ and the flash will be synchronized with your equipment. If you need to cover a large or irregular area with light, multiple illumiNovas can be connected in series.
  • Phase/Time Delay
    Use the phase or time delay features to adjust or “position” the virtually stopped image to suit your needs.
  • Memory
    illumiNova has 10 memory presets allowing you to quickly change from one process speed to the next
  • Adjustable intensity levels
    Three adjustable light intensity levels give you complete control over the amount of illumination on your process. Low light settings can be used for highly reflective surfaces while high light settings may be used for darker or high contrast materials.

Lens Options
illumiNova is available with 3 different lens options. Select the illumination area that best suits your application.

Typical Uses

  • Diagnose web alignment issues and warp registrations with repeat patterns
  • Determine the speed of rotating equipment using a strobe with a built-in tachometer and on-screen display of PRM
  • Slow a cycle process down by placing them in virtual slow motion for forward or reverse action sequences
  • Print quality inspection
  • Textile processing inspection
  • Camera Vision System lighting

Benefits of LED

  • Energy-efficient and long-lasting
  • Extremely bright, uniform light output
  • Completely silent
  • Cool operation
  • No lamp replacements
  • Extremely high flash rates (up to 999,999 FPM)


Specifications* for the illumiNova® Fixed Mount Stroboscope:

For a complete list of specifications, see the product manual.

SpecificationSpecification value
Controller/Display6-digit numeric and 5-digit alphanumeric LCD with touch keypad and rotary tuning knob
high-contrast blue background with backlight
Flash Range30-999,999 FPM
Accuracy0.001% of setting or +/-1 LSD
Resolution6 digits to 0.001
Flash Duration
Degrees0.1 to 4.0° for all models expect the 50 (0.1-3.0°)
Percent0.1 to 1.1% for all models expect the 50 (0.1 to 0.8%)
Time1 to 150 µSec
LED Array Sizes54 (6″), 108 (12″), 216 (24″), 324 (36″), 432 (48″), 540 (60″), 648 (72″), 756 (84″), 864 (96″)
Light SourceillumiNova 100 w/Spot lens, 108 LEDs @ 39.5″ [100 cm] to target = 7250 lux
illumiNova 100 w/Spot lens, 108 LEDs @ 78.74” [200 cm] to target = 2290 lux
External Triggers InputOpen collector, dry contract input for sensors (3-5 Vdc pulse) provides 5 Vdc sensor power isolated input 5-12 Vdc 50 mA max
Prescaler InputAdjustable from 0-5000 pulses per revolution
Digital OutputProvides 3.3 Vdc TTL output
Programmable Memory10 setpoints
Jog/DelayPhase: -360.0° to +360.0°
Time: -50.000 to +50.000 mSecs; VRPM: -60 to +60 RPM (External Mode ONLY)
Input Power115 or 230 Vac ±10%, 50/60 Hz
Virtual RPM (slow motion)-60 to +60 VRPM (External Mode ONLY)
Housing MaterialExtruded and die-cast aluminum, powder coated
Housing RatingIP20
Weight7.5 lbs. [3.4 kg] for 12″ model, plus 6 lbs. [2.7 kg] for each additional 12″ length
Height and Width (all models):4.37 in. [11.11 cm]
• Model 50 (6 in.)9.43 in. [23.97 cm]
• Model 100 (1 ft.)15.44 in. [39.21 cm]
• Model 200 (2 ft.)27.43 in. [69.69 cm]
• Model 300 (3 ft.)39.93 in. [101.44 cm]
• Model 400 (4 ft.)51.93 in. [131.92 cm]
• Model 500 (5 ft.)63.93 in. [162.38 cm]
• Model 600 (6 ft.)75.93 in. [192.88 cm]
• Model 700 (7 ft.)87.93 in. [223.34 cm]
• Model 800 (8 ft.)99.93 in. [253.84 cm]
*Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Lens Options

Spot: provides narrowest, brightest illumination area

Wide: produces a horizontally wide light output allowing smaller strobes to illuminate wider processes

Flood: produces a vertically wide light output to illuminate a larger linear process area

What's in the box?

The illumiNova Fixed Mounted LED Stroboscope with 115/230 Vac power supply 50/60 Hz, intelligent controller, mounting hardware, and power cord

  • Documentation: operation manual, product registration card, and NIST Calibration Certificate

Shipping Codes

Harmonized Tariff Code:  9029206000

Country of Origin:  US

Export Control Classification Number (ECCN):  EAR99

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