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PM Remote Software

PM Remote Software is a Windows™ PC-based program to enable a user to communicate remotely with a range of panel meters in the ACT series and Frequency to Analog Converters in the F2AX series. The program allows the instruments to be configured (set up) and for data to be viewed in real time on the PC. There is also a method to incorporate the live data into an Excel® spreadsheet

PM Remote Software allows users to set the mode of operation to RPM, RPS or Frequency and select the input scale (pulses per revolution). Real-time data can be displayed directly on the PC along with min and max values. Decimal places and display update rate are user configurable

Click here for free software download.

Click here for PM Remote Software Instruction Manual.

PM Remote Software - configure RPM, RPS, or Frequency and select the input scale (pulses per revolution).


  • Allows quick set up of ACT-1BACT-3XF2A1X, and F2A3X
  • Display live data remotely on PC
  • Unit configurations can be saved for reloading in the future

S = Standard; O = Optional

Serial Programming Port**SSS
*Only one communications option may be selected per unit.
**USB Programming Cable must be purchased separately.
USB Programming Cable, 3 ft. phono plug to USB and PM Remote Software. For use with ACT Panel Tachometers and Frequency to Analog converters from Monarch Instrument.

USB Programming Cable